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worth one‘s while
值得  detail>>
it is not worth while to
把用不着的书放回书架  detail>>
it is worth while
值得..  detail>>
worth while
值得做的  detail>>
be worth while to do sth
此句只适合词组  detail>>
do something worth while
做点有用的事  detail>>
for all one is worth
拼命, 尽力  detail>>
run for all one is worth
拼命奔跑  detail>>
learn while one teaches
现学现教  detail>>
one today is worth two tomorrow
把握一个今天,胜似两个明天  detail>>
one today is worth two tomorrows
时事造英雄 一个今天胜似两个明天。  detail>>
this coat is worth one hundred yuan
这件上衣价值一百元  detail>>
one hour today is worth two tomorrow
行善积德 争分夺秒效率高 昨日之日不可追  detail>>
be worth
值得的  detail>>
of no worth
没有价值的  detail>>
of worth
价值的  detail>>
 adj. 〔用作表语〕 1.有…的价值,值…。 2.值得…。 3.有…的财产。  短语和例子   ...  detail>>
for ,while
等条件句中  detail>>